Enhanced campaigns is possibly the biggest change Google has made to Adwords in the last few years. From the 22nd July Google began automatically upgrading all Adwords campaigns to enhanced campaigns.
Hopefully your Paid Search agency were prepared for the change to Enhanced Campaigns, and handled the upgrade of each of your campaigns with due care and attention, keeping you informed along the way. And there is good reason for your agency to have carried out the upgrade rather than letting Google automatically carry out the procedure.
There were some big changes introduced with enhanced campaigns, here are the top 3 questions you should be asking your PPC agency about these.
How are they making the most of the mobile, tablet, desktop “device” mix?
The huge growth of mobile and tablet usage is one of the key drivers for the introduction of Enhanced Campaigns. With enhanced campaigns Google introduced bid adjustments for devices. So if an advertiser wants to bid more on mobile traffic they can now do this using the Enhanced settings.
Accounts that have been automatically upgraded will now be using Google’s recommended bids for mobile devices. This is an area you would want your agency to have researched thoroughly. And you will want them to have set up adjustments based on what really is best for you. This is a dangerous one to get wrong, for example if your website isn’t mobile friendly you might suddenly find yourself advertising to a whole section of the market that can’t use your website.
Has your agency dealt with merging your existing campaigns?
Before the upgrade it was common practice to set up separate campaigns targeting different devices, for example a campaign targeting just desktops, and a similar campaign targeting mobile devices. These are perfect candidates to be merged into a single campaign with enhanced campaigns.
With the upgrade your agency should have been paying close attention to these. Google will not have auto-merged these, so it’s something you need your agency to have addressed. If they haven’t, this could be detrimental to your account as you may now have duplicate campaigns.
Is your agency taking advantage of the new location bidding and ad scheduling options?
Enhanced campaigns have given advertisers the ability to manage bids across locations and times of the day. With this it’s possible to reach the most valuable customers and connect with them at the right time and in the right location. This is a very important step forwards from the previous legacy campaigns. To take advantage of this your agency should be tailoring your activity for the best performing times and locations. If they are not you may need to ask whether your agency is the correct one for you.